It is remarkably mild with temperature almost 8°C in Stockholm AND sunshine. Already after midnight around 02.00 i measured +6°C, and +10°C in Southeast Sweden.
The race of cyclones over Scandinavia mixes the atmosphere a lot, which usually creates higher than normal temperatures. Once cooler air seeps back into our area, it will be winter again. And most likely returning to (more or less) deep winter.
The average temperature of January
(in Stockholm) was -1.5°C colder than normal - despite the mild period in the end of January. It is also the 4th too cold month in a row), and in total: 8 month colder than normal in past 13 months !
Quite remarkable with such a cooling trend.
Climate boiling my ass.
There, your climate boiling propaganda and politician stupid fucks, talking like ducks, walking like ducks and acting like ducks. Or parrots. I am so tired of this global scam, to pull out the last money out of the worlds population. It is nothing else than a giant scam. And if we don't wake up to those plans - it will bite us in the ass big times.
At least look a little bit behind the curtains.
19°C in Scotland
19°C that were measured in Scotland the other day, a new record for January, was the combination of strong very mild winds gotten forced over the Scottish mountains, and on the east side creating Föhn winds which warm up when they fall down the other side of a mountain chain. Like Sirocco in Sicily. Day after the MAX was only 5°C in Scotland, and then in the night went down to -6°C.
What a remarkable switch. |