I appreciate

certain special qualities about Leif. So, when i had a 1.5 hour conversation almost 2 weeks later (the other day) - and he called me - and we spoke for the first time in 28 years. I felt this sensation of joy. Like a long lost "father" and/or "bigger Brother". A mix of both, i supposed.

The joy came immediately the first seconds when i heard his voice, i could sense and hear the same ol' Leif - like i remember back in 1987 - 1996. With it also came a deeper sense about him. it is almost like the soul enables channels that go a little bit "beyond". Senses get keener, more fine tuned. You sense and feel more - as if the communication goes beyond the visible spectrum. It works somehow better as soon you are in touch with a person...


The wit

And he has still the same kind of wit he used to have. It is a type of humor which has several door. Kind of like levels under the spoken words, that mean or point towards something more. It's not always that i catch the more hidden meaning of a sentence - but it is there. Very interesting. And in fact; very stimulating. It is like talking to a real adult - one who lives, and has plenty of experience of life, people ... all sort of people. The good and the bad. And he is straight forward. And yet, at the same time, there is always more to the spoken word...

I find that absolutely inspiring !

And that sense of depth which he does not make any advertising about. It's there like a person who has his feel on the ground. His ability to ask direct questions, straight on. I love it !!


It stimulates clarity

Even i have to think of my words in terms of how clear / not clear i am when I answer. It makes me reflect about my words. Not control, but reflect from within - how i express myself. As if it pulls out a more mature nature in me, rather than just the immature "boy". Albeit i have plenty of that immature boy in me, which also stands for a lot of my spontaneity - which is part of my typical Ralf personality. Always has been - and i am still the same in that regard.


("Life is complicated") And busy.

I remember that i liked his presence very much back then 35 years ago (but felt it was pretty rare, because we was so frikkin busy). Well he was it until just recently !!

So, i guess nothing would have changed, even if we would have been in touch... Still I can feel a sense of sorrow that our contact just ebbed out, once he moved to Brussels, into the EU chambers working behind a Swedish Anita Gradin at the EU / European Commission responsible for Immigration, home affairs and justice. So, he was even more so a busy man.

While my life in 1996 took a weird, strange, kind of dark turn, with Johannes and all that stuff that came up in me - which at that time, was a period i couldn't understand why my heart would feel so attached to a guy, and i couldn't remove myself from him, no matter what i did - my heart was like stuck. For years (despite I cut off the contact several times, and even had other adventures...). But, I didn't want to tell that to Leif, and just stand there in the boring light of 'always having troubled affairs'.

It isn't fun over time, to always talk about such problems and relationship issues - so that made me withdraw, kind of sky wanting even to talk to Leif. What the fuck did I have to tell or show... you know.


in 1998

I started to work again in 1998 at the subway. Making me far more busy than before. Still struggling with my emotions to Johannes like a sad, never ending story in my heart. Love-bite No 1 for sure. Big times.

Johannes at Hötorget station - - - Dec 1998


Then it was 2003

Perry came into my life in 2003. Up like a sun - down like a wet pancake. Love-bite No 2. Big times.

My world really spiraled out of all normality... moving into so many strange directions and confusions - and seemingly without any solution. Or "magic" to end the pull, spilling for too many years. But "love bites" ** are not made for ever. One day even I pulled out the thorn of poison, removing it out of my system, and look through the veil of deceptions. Ending the derailing from your path...

** " The usual next stage in this drama is to cause the Wanderer to be attracted to a particular type of person who is a sort of “false image” of STO (Serve to Others). This can be what researcher Eve Lorgen calls a Love Bite relationship where a great “cosmic love” is in fact a simulated state, only to fall flat as soon as the EM vector is turned off. The intended result of this betrayal is to induce suicidal feelings or to set the Wanderer up for the next variation of the game.

What happens now is that the Wanderer is set up by the previous dramas to seek out marriage or love partners who are also abusive either overtly or covertly. And, of course, the Wanderer’s special characteristics of being unable to really understand negative thinking because it is not a part of their own make-up, prevents them from seeing exactly what is going on. (Or not enough to pull out of the "spell", despite becoming aware of negative thinking and possible nefarious hidden motives floating around in the bushes)

They always seem to attribute the same high motives and ideals to others that are in themselves. They endlessly excuse abuse and hurt to themselves and others with the idea that if they just love the other long enough, hard enough, pure enough or stand by them through thick and thin, that the abuser will overcome their hurts/wounds which are the cause of their abusive behavior, and they will then be able to be whole, which, of course, the Wanderer believes to be a person similar to themselves! "


A song that maybe best describes how i felt in relation to Perry forcing myself to break away from him, even from the inside...


Robyn with Kleerup - With Every Heartbeat


Trolls vs sunshine exposure

When you start casting sunlight over dark trolls living in shadows - they start to dissipate - and you begin to see several things with different eyes, more clarity, and start to understand the underpinnings of why a "love bite" is called a love bite. Certain people have that roll in ones life.

They can derail a person, almost like a mission or ambition to lower resonance and frequencies... so that you become a darker person, if you give in too much / too long. Since we are however responsible of that part in ourselves, I cannot blame Perry for it. Because it is within my own territory. The choice. And when to say No. Stop. Instead of sobbing after a guy like - for ewwa.

So. There. Fuck it.

When you were ready. yes.

It took many years, because I didn't understand better. And apparently needed all those experiences, interactions, and lessons. AS I said; i have to blame myself in the first place, for not knowing better. One day - one knows better. That's the day, the tolls dissipate. And with it, the "connection" to the 'love-bite' (person).


By the time of the mid-00s

By that time of course - in the mid 00s - I felt totally removed from my contacts from 80s and 90s (plus my job which made me far less social due to the odd and often long working times). I lost touch and contacts to all I knew from the 80s and 90s. So, even my contact with Leif, as our last contact was around 1996 (I think) We may have talked on the telephone one time, when he was in Brussels - but that was it I believe.



Suddenly it is 2024

And now, suddenly it is the year of 2024. Just like that. He is almost 84. I am soon 58. Now, how did THAT happen so "quickly" ? As if somebody skipped the movie, moving right to the end, or something.

Today we meet over dinner in the afternoon. And boy do i look forward !!! The strangest thing is, that i have this "boy-heart" beating. I really think that i must have developed a sort of father-big-brotherly projection on him, back in 1986/87. Well back then I was 22, and he was 46. He had stamina and a very strong grounded sense. So, of course, i liked that. I always wanted a solid friend - a real friend. One who can reflect and communicate. Then he appearance also was large; a big, tall man.

The boy in me, liked his being, his essence.

Now, I can feel exactly the same, making me almost forget my age *LOL* Well, I am still Ralf. And Leif sounded very much like Leif. Even if the reflection may have changed a little, as it has done to me.

The souls seem to be made out of exactly the same wood, regardless.


I mean the journey though life, and meeting with people over many years. The outside vs inside.
Just so fascinating !


Telephone conversation after 28 years

I recognized his "being" intuitively directly as we started to talk on the phone the other day. A very solid, strong and highly intelligent kind of man you rarely meet. It is a bit difficult to put in words... Like a Swede from the 'old' generation when Sweden was still Sweden. People you don't really meet so often anymore. There is a presence of deep common sense, i appreciate in the Swedish collective soul from earlier generations (70s, 80s).

So, yeah. My heart was full of joy. But also sadness about the way how today's medical doctors treat him - or better said - the lack of treatment and engagement about his failing health.... made me very sad. Because there are essential things that can help the body, to fight of inflammation, lack of energy and better mitochondrial health. You hear absolutely nothing of that from common doctors these days. And they placed him on the toxic statines, which have highly detrimental effects on people, especially the older you are - it is almost guaranteed that you after month/years can't get out of bed anymore.


Statines - highly detrimental shit for old people !!!

Take redbeet juice instead - an excellent replacement for Statines. Lowers blood pressure.

Give a rats ass of slightly elevated cholesterol levels or "bad fats" "bad Cholesterol". The fact is, that you need that type of fat and cholesterol as well. They have weaponized cholesterol - in order to sell Statines - which is among the most sold pills. Which are extremely detrimental for old people.

I cannot believe how bad those are for the health of elderly people.

Your brain is made 25% out of cholesterol. Your cell walls are made of cholesterol - so your body needs cholesterol for building cells / cell walls. If you have too little cholesterol - you are in the shit house.

Statines make sure you get too little cholesterol - and when the body wants to repair blood vessels, and there isn't enough of - then the body does only creates temporary (bad) patches in order to tightening the blood vessels. (Instead of really repairing them with stable cell walls)

So these temporary patches, leads to clotting. And stroke.


Co-enzyme Q10 vs Heart Health

At the same time Statines restrict / eliminates the pathway for the important Q10 co-enzyme

That co-enzyme is absolutely vital for good heart health ! Without it, your heart muscle is gradually breaking down, getting weaker, as do other muscles. The older a person is, start taking Statines, the quicker the breakdown and weakening of muscles progress, so that after only a couple months, it can lead into that the person can't leave his/her bed anymore.

They call it "health". I call it poisoning and breakdown. Instead of supporting the human body, they create successful "medical" products, which do the opposite; break down health.

So, skip the toxic "Statines" shit which nowadays almost every mainstream doctor far too easily gives to elderly people. It doesn't do anything good what so ever.


And don't be afraid about cholesterol & eggs

The body is self regulating about cholesterol for 99.5% of the people. There is a tiny portion of people who have a condition, which results into skyhigh cholesterol levels. Those *may* benefit from Statines. But the majority of people, does not benefit from Statines.

When you eat more cholesterol - the body will produce less. If you eat less cholesterol, the body will produce more. It is as i said, self regulating. People with slightly elevated cholesterol values, live longest.

People with lower or too low levels, leave shorter lives.

In Sweden, 1.2 million are eating Statines every day.


Leif going off statines.

Replacing it with a glass of redbeet juice every day, plus to begin with - additional supplements like the most important NAC (N-Acetylcystein), Vitamin-C, Magnesium Citrate, 1000 mg Liposomal Q10 co-enzyme, and in order to destroy Spike proteins in his system (to counteract blood clots, inflammation and avoid further brain & heart cell damages due to cell death caused by spike proteins, as those all will be attacked by the immune system): a daily protocol of 100 mg Nattokinase (1000 IE), 500 mg Bromelain and 500 mg Curcumin, according to the distinguished Dr McCullough (he has most publications in the world revolving heart health) - and knows his shit ! It needs to be taken 12+ month.

Maria Grazia also takes the protocol since recent times. She discovered herself, via the McCullough recommendation, that it was this far the best way to destroy spike proteins in the body (especially free floating spike proteins in the blood stream, which wreck havoc on the blood vessel cell walls).


Ajutooooo ! 6x Covid-19 jabs

Leif now told me - that he took a whopping 6x Covid-19 "vaccines" (experimental, genetic) jabs which have nothing to do with "vaccines" in any way. I couldn't believe my ears when i heard that !

It is almost like someone trying to get a horse of a guy killed - but the guy is still standing (at an age of almost 84). But - he went a very difficult path in his health during recent years. This however has been mainly related to his lifestyle (immense stress) and his endless missions within the corridors of power, politics and etc. And he told me that he didn't listen to his body, and ignored the signs.

A blind eye (due to two tiny, tiny blood vessels burst - which i (we both) thought was rather strange that that alone would have lead to blindness in one eye. But that's what the doctors told him) They don't seem to be too big in info, it seems...

Prostate cancer, (albeit it seems to have been successfully treated) yet with kidney damage after chemo. When I later asked how exactly this was - he didn't confirm damage. The doctors put it in a way that the kidneys didn't perform 100%. Sort of more like they where a little bit slow. So, it seems like his kidneys where strained, but not damages (so it sounds to me). Luckily he was, that he got to keep his penis strength and lust. None of that has been affected, except that there isn't anything coming out. So, he must have been very lucky, that he got away with prostate cancer (high P/S value), AND chemotherapy without loosing everything connected to sexdrive, potence and orgasms. Many guys loose it, after prostate chemo treatments and operation. (I don't think he got operated, though).

Perhaps here Quercitin + Zinc could aid him in his prostate health. Kidneys get supported though detoxification, which means when you do take care of your body, detoxify it over time, and aid it with good nutrition, vitamins and minerals aplenty - then the kidneys will have it better, too. (I am not well read about kidneys, so I don't know what nutrition aids kidneys directly).


Sicilian Doctor & Sal

Quercitin also was what Sal's Sicilian doctor described when he very nasty prostate inflammation during more than 6 months. Remarkable in all this is, that in Sicily some doctors naturally still give people homeopathic / natural / holistic medicine. It seems that some doctors still have that knowledge !

Leif also got weaker muscles from the statines... therefore problems with walking. I am not surprised anymore, when i heard the name of the "medicine" contained the word statines, which he was taking for a long time...

So yeah.



I recommend Leif (natural) supplementation of vitamins & minerals - in order to counteract inflammation as well weakness, which comes from when your body simply has to fight on too many fronts at the same time - without getting the good (common sense) stuff that supports the body better in its inherently divine work.

As I met Leif next day (e.g. now after i wrote most of this text) - it appears to me that the majority of difficulties has come from the STATINES. Additionally the Covid-19 injections may have exacerbated these things further - but he seem to have gotten out of it rather well - which is surprising after 6 shots.

He describes the typical symptoms of stiffening hands, and his right arm getting difficult to move. (and the overall balance is a bit off when we walks slow - but This is very typical with the intake of statines, that your muscles stiffens and then it ends with that you can't move your arm - or leg - or both - often leading to that the person can't get out of bed anymore.

That's why Statines are so nefarious over longer time, and especially on very old people all this happen rather fast. The elite hates old people - so don't expect Big Pharma to make products that actually help old people.

What the F did you expect they do in their business ? The problem however is, that far too many more doctors now are simply describing pills to patients - where the patient has become a number attached to dollar notes.


Divine Body... if you let it do its thing...

Let's face it - the body it is a wonderful "machine", and that beyond most understanding (even if we claim to know it). But give it the right building material - and you will get rewarded while the body can do its work, repair and can put things together again. Let it do it's work Your duty is to give it the right nutrition and vitamins/minerals. Your knowledge is crucial. Skip Ads in "health stores". Go for real, good, common sense knowledge. Investigate. Do your homework. Network with people.

Knowledge protects.
Ignorance endangers.

I also added Vitamin D3+K2 (20.000 IE) and Omega 3 to Leif's list.

I hope this will give Leif's body better leeway to do its magic over time. Counteracting the damages from detrimental Statines - giving better mitochondrial health (= more ATP = more energy), as well making sure that any toxic spike-proteins are getting out of his system as soon as possible. In the hope that he feels a sense of vitality again instead of that longtime weakness he spoke about, as well his increasing difficulties to walk.

I cannot believe, that no common sense doctor has told him about these things.

That is a shame - and not a little one.


Methylene Blue

Would be another way to aid mitochondrial reactivation and health. But because Leif spoke about that his kidneys got some damages, I didn't include Methylene Blue, as it - i think - strains the kidney a little bit extra. So, one needs to be careful with such things. But it clearly is a substance - which has anti-aging properties, which means, that cells get repaired and rejuvenated (instead of ending up as dying debris, which in itself creates inflammation). Young people have no benefits from Methylene blue - but older people have great benefits, shown in studies.

Check out German Florian Schiller - which also spoke twice at the Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin.

He made two videos about Methylene Blue in very fine details. Incredibly fascinating. And while the fine details may be confusing or difficult to understand - you still get the gist out of it all, because he does explain what and why Methylene Blue is good for people above 40-45 years of age. Also those who took the Covid-19 jab - benefit from the repairing properties of Methylene Blue has on damages caused by the jabs.

Also for infections, especially those who took the jab, and have a detrimental immune system far more sensitive to that their immune system over reacts with new infections; Methylene blue regulates the immune system not to over react (to avoid that the immune system over reacts with cytokine storms).

Part 1

Part 2

Page 16 • (2024)