There was a clear sky 06.15 in the morning and chilly around 10-11°C. By the time I was at home at looked out of the balcony - it was all foggy. Those clouds prevented the temperature from rising significantly - and Stockholm was the last place this fog dissolved from around noon.

So, we were actually pretty late among the places of higher temperatures. As the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, reached a whopping 29°C around 12:00 - while we in Stockholm still lingered around 19.5°C.


But THEN in the afternoon - the air really warmed up !

And now, as i walked out on the balcony - it was almost like walking into a wall of warm air. The difference compared to this morning, was profound.

It feels really like SUMMER WARM AIR !!!

The City only reached to 24.5°C, while here in Snösätra south of it, we got 25.5°C. Inland however we noted much higher temperatures like: • Adelsö got 26.8°C, • Uppsala 26.0°C, and • Eskilstuna 29.0°C. All those temperatures are still preliminary, though.


The highest temperature in Sweden today

was in Helsingborg with a whopping 31.1°C. Now that is something to write home about. I am not aware of temperatures above 30°C in September in Sweden (but then again, my mind never really focused on September months in the past... So, i don't know when it happened the last time).

Still - those are a bit unusual temperatures. It happens from time to time, and it has happened in the past. For myself, I find it exotic - when unusual weather like this happens. ESPECIALLY at the threshold to much lower temperatures typical for autumn in Scandinavia;

The often pronounced shift from summer to autumn temperatures which at times can be pretty harsh drops during some years around this time (or in the middle to the end of September)



I only had to go to SMHI and look at their blog in order to realize that they wrote about the temperatures today. Apparently they made some headlines. Because the official highest September temperature in Sweden is (was) 29.1° - has been broken today. (which surprises me that it hasn't happened before ?!) Preliminary the highest temperatures is 31.1°C now.


And the crows...

crow from the roof tops; Climate change. Climate change. Kill ourselves.

While the hidden 'Elite', plus their associates, numerous companies/organizations and theatre politicians - laugh their asses off, all the way to the bank. "Stupid humans - they'll just believe everything and anything we tell them"

Oh sweet jeezaz.

Yet, the dark spells are loosing power - ever so gradually...

So. There is that.


It has (almost) happened before

It should be noted that already back in Sep 1886 temperatures up to 29°C were registered in Sweden during September for the first time. So, it does happen - but i thought 30°C had been crossed at a few occasions. Apparently I was wrong. Still, it surprizes me...

Of another note is, that when you include the last days of August - then there have been higher temperatures - so maybe today's 31.1°C were not really that far off nor out of possibility to be reached during the first days of September:

• Kristianstad reported 32.7°C on 27 August 1964
• Norrköping got 32.7°C on 26 August 2016
• Lund reached 31.0°C on 29 August 2024.


Over 30°C even in the past ?

Also notice, that through this article, you can find that at several occasions in the past, temperatures went over 30°C during September in Sweden. Apparently those were not accepted as official records. (Events for example like 2 Sep 1906 with "31.0°C" and 16 Sep 1947 with +29.9°C in particularly). So even if those events are not accepted officially - they do show that it was at some occasions hot in Sweden during certain times in September


Slightly higher tomorrow ?

Tomorrow there is a possibility that a slightly higher temperatures could be reached somewhere in Southern Sweden. The prognosis for Stockholm is 27°C. and on Friday 25°C.

After next weekend starting Tuesday, it should get cooler. Unless that Russian Anticyclone has more surprises in store for us, by generating anew, and continue to pump warm air into our region, while at the same time keeping the Atlantic weather fronts at bay.

It could happen - who knows.


GFS just updated their latest outlook

and their interpretation is that the warm air lasts until Friday 13 September. However, this is too far off in time - and different weather centers have different interpretations. What they do have in common - and logic will agree - is that (high season) summer will come to an end here in Scandinavia sooner or later, around mid September. Towards the end of a very warm period in September, you often get cloudy weather, or heavy fog (but still mild, yet you feel it in the air... that something is about to end).

Still. It find this all very exciting. This "threshold" type of weather. And extension of unusual warm weather into a time, where you most of the time normally have much chillier weather. Then my senses kind of come alive.


Split Europe

Right now, it appears that Europe is a split place: Cooler, unsteady and cloud-rich weather in the West - while sunny, warm or even hot weather all over the east.

Interesting symbolism, i must say.


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