It is still relatively early - but the temperatures have already soared to 20°C here in the Southern Suburbs of Stockholm. Compared to yesterday, when we had fog, and just something like 12-13°C at the same time, and in some places north of Stockholm the temperature went down to 7°C.

Quite a difference.

And you can FEEL it this morning, so pronounced !!!

Also the air quality, the look and feel of it, changed after yesterday's morning and noon fog; when the sun emerged finally and quite late - everything changed ! Also in the evening, the air was different. Not only mild to warm, but was a notch less clear. Like on those really warm summer nights - where stars often look are a bit paler than normal in the city (compared to cooler, clear nights in the city).


The Mediterranean feeling

There is a certain "quality" to an airmass that is summery warm. That difference - if you paid attention yesterday evening - was pronounced. Today, the sky is pale blue, not deep blue - but NOT A SINLGE CLOUD to see as far as the eye can see. At the same time you feel that rare Scandinavian High Season Summer type of feeling on our skin. As if it was the peak of July. Only that we are now one week into September.

THAT is what i find feels so exotic. The Mediterranean feeling. Compared to the chilly nights and morning previously ! Not particularly cold or anything, but it felt chilly with 11°C. (which is a totally normal MIN temperature for the beginning of September)

It feels like heaven.


A luxurious feeling early Autumn

Every extra day at or above 20°C in September in Stockholm and Sweden, I consider to be luxurious ! But now having days at or above 25°C, feels extra special. And the places that got 30°C, must feel a bit crazy up here. It has happened before a few times - and it will happen again.


Dominating Anti Cyclone

This Russian high pressure area (up to 1030 - 1035 hPa with its center located over East Finland / NW Russia / Archangelsk) - filled with warmth and heat - especially over east central Europe - simply amazing to look at in the satellite chart: It litterally pushes all the clouds westwards, as if bending them around its will. This becomes especially clear in the satellite chart from this morning.

Like a double bow directed towards the west. The opposite direction compared to how fronts usually / generally move over Europe; from west to east.


• 5 Sep 2024 at 07:54 - Beautiful and 19.4°C warm summer morning in Autumn at our balcony


• 5 Sep 2024 07:53 - Not a single cloud to speak of !



Today will be the peak of this summer wave - and then gradually ebb out. Yet still with a couple more days close to 25°C her in Stockholm - until the general weather situation most likely will start to break down around 10-11 September, and then fully around 13 September (but in Finland the warm weather might last until 15-16 Sep). After that definitely cooler and far more unstable weather pattern taking over.

Well, mid September is usually like that...

In general, I have to say that the GFS prognosis from 26 Aug did indicate an extended period of summer weather - but fluctuated henceforth in that prediction. Still, it did kind of indicate that something like another summer period might come. I would say they both got it right and wrong at the same time.

GFS was at least correct for this summer period; in having been indicative well in advance.


High vs Low Systems

Normally they aren't that good, really. Howeverin general; dominating / stronger high pressure areas create far more stable weather patterns - making them easier to calculate in advance - compared to fast and/or erratic moving low pressure systems.

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