Yes, the summer days are over for sure. The time in which temperatures rose to between 18-22°C in Stockholm City, are now past.


Exceptionally mild nights

However, the nights are/ have been - especially the last two ones - exceptionally mild. This morning we hovered around 16-17°C in Stockholm, which was at the same level of Barcelona, Spain. Also Helsinki and surroundings where extremely mild with up to 18°C MIN - like a "warm air bubble" over the middle Baltic Sea region. Such temperature you didn't find in Europe until down in Spain, Italy and Adriatic Sea.

This is residual warmth, partially supported by a weaker warm air sector of a cyclone caused such high temperatures at night (together with the warm Baltic Sea). But it all will be a thing of the past.

With it - Summer is going out of the window, and autumn makes larger steps across our country. The first snow has already fallen high up in the north, with up to 11 cm depths.

2/3 of Sweden has officially autumn now. The mountain regions in Laponia, have winter as the average 24 hr temperatures fell below 0°C about 5 days in a row.


The Outlook

appears to suggest, that first it will become pretty rainy towards the upcoming weekend (my triple free days / weekend), and cooler of course - below normal temperatures. However, towards the very end of September, beginning of October - it might turn out relatively sunny and relatively mild with temperatures up to 15°C, which could stretch all the way to 6 October.

Personally however, i find such longer predictions too iffy to be true. They will most likely change anew at the next calculations in 6-12 hours. Also; the different weather centers, are not in agreement with such a mild outlook. GEM is more on the cooler side, has a lot more rain in store for 1 October - with temperature around 10°C.

Overall, the various models call for a lot more cyclonic activity over Europe !


Warmer September Maxima

In the 80s, September felt really cold, I remember. Already August felt rather chilly and not anything like summer. This has been pushed upwards though the years - which I have been following since 1984. In a chart below you see the the various periods of 8 years, how September MAX in Stockholm City Core developed.

Of course, using the city core... is perhaps not the best thing to do, given that you always have higher temperatures within Cities over time (which grow in size).

Nevertheless, I am happy that September is more like September; a breath of residual summer - yet with the signs of autumn around the corner.



It is clearly visible

that even the beginning of September were in 8 years average, a lot cooler in the 80s and 90s, dropping rapidly after a couple days into September.

While the period 1993-2000 already showed that this got a bit delayed, but even more so in the years later. Nevertheless, we are talking about temperatures that are generally hovering now more or less around 20° - but once a week has passed, they too drop below that threshold.

But 20°C in the beginning of September, seems much more normal, compared to 14-16°C.

Once you pass half of September - it usually gets significantly chillier, more so in the 80s, and a bit less so since the 90s. But autumn can't be stopped. Once you walk into October, the MAX temperatures in Stockholm have dropped to 12-14°C.

I really wouldn't want to go back to the 80s September months. It made summer feel very short - more like a fast passing dream. And then awaits a very long time of dull, cloudy, rainy or snowy weather... you just wait, and wait and wait... like - for ever.

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