I've always wished for a rather simplistic, point-to-shoot camera based on film. One, that you can always have in your backpack or jeans or shirt pocket (sort of) - and shoot away whatever comes to mind and sight - wherever you are.

Similar to the type of Konica Big Mini BG 320 (which is a bit smaller though). That camera i used back in the 90s, even when we went to the disco - not taking up any serious space, but provided the kind of automatic that resulted into good and sharp images, as well had built-in flash.

I loved that thing - because it was so fun !

Winter 1992, Per-Olof also using a Konica Big Mini BG-302 camera


Winter 1992, Per-Olof and Ralf in Stockholm - after the disco

Winter 1992, Per-Olofs long tongue

Winter 1992, at the hot dog stand

Now the Pentax 17 doesn't have AF

but using Zone-focus instead - albeit pretty flexible all the way down to 24 cm (when you are outside of the "P" mode. The latter "P" mode only allows 1 meter) Pentax 17 goes one step further in terms of being able to shot "B" (longtime exposures) and otherwise exposures between 4 sec to 1/350 sec. Allowing to set manual ISO, allowing manual exposure compensation - and has a very sharp lens.

I consider it - at this theoretical stage, to be a wonderful "shoot away" type of camera. As i would do with the Konica BG-302 camera, while also being small enough to take with you anywhere. I really, really like that concept and idea. I usually don't take a Leica M6 with me wherever I do - but wouldn't mind to take a Pentax 17 with me to most places "during daily life activities" - especially during summer.

I also intend to get myself a 3 stop neutral density gray filter 40.5 mm Ø, for bright weather (due to the limitation of the camera's 1/350 sec central shutter speed) and it doesn't have to stop down the lens to an extreme.


Creative + point-and-shoot style

I mean that gives me enough creative variation, while at the same time also fulfilling that sense of "point-and-shot" when I want to, with for. I love the idea of when Sal and I go out and about, or even just to the food store - to be able to shoot a couple of frames. Without the camera being in my way, you know.


High quality negative scans with the VALOI system

Given how absolutely fantastic the VALOI system works to make digital copies from 35mm negatives, with help of a macro lens; A system really easy and unusual fast for you to get high quality digital copies from negatives... I absolutely love the system. I can't think of anything better - and have already scanned many thousands of negatives with it. Plus that you don't need a dark space to do scans - makes the Finnish VALOI system splendid.

I am really very happy with it !


72 images per film

Also; and of course - I love the idea with the half format camera and it's 72 negatives.

For those kind of images - I don't mind that the negative size is half of a traditional 24x36 mm negative. For all that kind of photography, i think getting 72 negatives is just perfect. Given that the 3-element Pentax lens is a very sharp one... plus high quality films like Kodak T-MAX 400, or Ilford XP2 400, or Ilford Delta 100 ... you get plenty of details even of a half format negative.

On top you can make nice "duo images" (I don't know the name for that style). Think of "Story telling" for example with help of 2 or more half-frame images together.

Since you'll scan a whole 24x36 mm area, you get in essence two half format negative in one. Something you can work with in a creative way, by showing similar or opposites in one and the same frame.


Halo effect ?

Another thought is, that with the Pentax 17 - it could re-activate my analog photography passion - starting to develop films again. It's really been many years I've done that. I even have several rolls of film, still waiting to get developed in my kitchen.

94 / 2024