After the Corona Plandemic & the mRNA kill & cancer shots

It seems to me increasingly that: anything goes.

The bigger the lies, the more invisible those become (as people don't want to believe nor look deeper into what has been told to them. They rather accept the lie as a truth - than to admit that they might gotten fucked. Even when countless lives hang in the balance, the lies are more accepted, even protected and defended.

Now the title of the movie makes sane:

Wide Eyes Shut


Robert-Koch-Institute Protocol files
("RKI files"), Germany

Now since the governmental RKI-files are all made public: showing that the whole Pandemic was a political decision and colossal fraud, in which the political establishment, Government as well Parliament - bypassed ALL basic democratic laws in Germany.

In favor of pushing and forcing people the kill shots as well people to use (FFP2 !!) face masks - which the Robert-Koch-Institute documented were useless against respiratory viruses.

Politicians like Angela Merkel and (gay) Health minister Jens Spahn, as well later Health Minister Karl Lauterbach who is a fraudulent doctor, who cheated on his "Doctor title" and still pushes the jabs to children as of today.

The whole frikking establishment in politics including all mainstream media of Germany, as well famous people, actors and wannabees - all pushed the jabs with torrential force.

Children were by law forced to wear FFP2 masks at school for 1.5 years - 8 hours every single day. FFP2 masks, especially on children, are directly health threat . since they damage their still under-developed lungs. It is a mask for professional workers - with by law strict rules how to wear them (30 minutes, followed by a break). So, what did they do ? all German had to wear those, especially children, every single day.

Based on what ?

The Robert-Koch Institute, Germany's leading health institute - wrote the protocols, the "RKI-Files" - but where hidden to the public - refused to be handed out. An alternative media requested them out by law - and in the first batch those were to a high degree redacted. Now they are all in the open - and we see that everyone was lied to ! Those are official documents, remember:

There was no real pandemic. It was forced "pandemic" created though false PCR test methods
Face Masks had no protective effect against viral particles (they never had)


The Injections immediately induced widespread damages and death after introduction Christmas 2020 - at which all levels of the govermental-medical-medial body were denied, lied about, ridiculed as well obscured. In order to make the citizens to take new experimental, genetic altering injections.


Everything that has been done in Germany,
was extremely criminal and entirely unconstitutional

People who refused the jabs, where punished with fines, police where beating old ladies, contact was not allowed, neighbors called in if they suspected that a household had guests over, and the damages and death from jabs are still entirely denied by government, media and establishment was well doctors. Who made a huge fortune on injecting people, as the Gov gave them extra money for every jab.

130.000 people died alone without any contact 2020/21 in Germany - because the Gov made up fictional rules, where families were forbidden to visit their parents, spouse, partner, child, grandmothers, grandfathers.

Insurance companies have registered ten millions of damages until now - due to the genetic injections. These results however, as they were published lead to that the people responsible for the publishing of data, which was according to their duty to do so - got kicked from their jobs.


Massmurder Politicians on the puppet stage

The cases of bedridden people jumped with a whopping +77% - while Karl Lauterbach, the current "Health Minister", or should I say, mass murder, explains it away as if nothing ever happened.

These people have encouraged genocide and mass murder. Even here in Sweden, hiring people from the society establishment with fancy-dull slogans and advertising "Kavla up" ("Pull up"), trying to make many more people to take the jab in the name of safety for your family and the people around you. Laughing all the way to the bank - Pfizer actually never tested anything revolving if the jabs prevent contagion. At a congress hearing in the US, a Pfizer employee told that they didn't test it. So, the jab didn't prevent anything.


This study I didn't know about, is just awful

An internal Pfizer study of 250 people, all under the age of 22 years - 40% got severe side effects / damages. A story never told to the public. (I wasn't aware of this one). But hey - the injections are "Safe & Effective". Now we (humanity) is sitting there with the shit.

How much did we pay for a kilo ?!

The genetic jabs created immediately widespread damages after introduction - which at all instances was muted, denies and lied about in order to continue to make people taking experimental, genetic modifying injections.


"Anything goes"

One realizes something ; anything goes.

No lie is to big to ship onto the sheep, when the sales and money is overwhelmingly good. An offer you can't refuse, between seller and governments; they win. you loose.

It is the lies that separates people. Collective dissonance make people to support war and genocide. It has always been propaganda who made people get fired up and go into war - to the disgrace of nations and humanity as a whole.

In the past 7000 years, 15000 wars were fought, and 3 billion people killed.

Who do you think benefit from it ? Kings, Queens, regents and governments, banks / treasures and ultra rich family-lines

Not the people.

Never the people.


Now they want Europe to fight a war

within relative short period with Germany at the front. A war, based on endless lies, propaganda and deceptions, which we are getting fed with through daily propaganda - from the bought media and news outlets. Fighting a war against Russia within the next 5 (to 20 years according to the US Think Tank; the RAND Cooperation, which has and is governing the US foreign politics for many decades. Every detail also has come true this far. Using Ukraine for starting a war with Russia, has been the plan for over 30+ years, outlined after the wall fell in Berlin.


Psychopaths lie by default !

While we thought we would enter a time of peace after the Wall in Berlin fell. Instead we went into numerous, devastating wars and false-flag events, Yugoslavia, 9/11, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, and the list goes on. million of deaths of children, elderlies and people in general. US Foreign Minister Albright said the price to pay, it was worth it (When she got the question if it was worth it to kill 500.000 children in Iraq").


Based on lies to make war.

Zion extremism at its finest; "Through deception we shall make war". Mossad's legendary saying. God's chosen children. Uhm. Rather Satan's chosen criminals and psychopaths, I would say.

Getting ready for war, defense the values of the west - says hairspray top bitch, von der Leyen, whom nobody (among ordinary people) ever elected in democratic manner.


The sanctions worked *LOL*

And old, skinny Boss-puppet of the EU. Just something so ridiculous like publicly saying (in a speech) that Russia salvages micro chips out of laundry machines, for their military defense. Does anyone truly believe that ? The videos can be seen of her saying such baby-shit. I mean, how low can you sink ? Do EU puppet believers swallow any shit that this hairspray hag tells them during fairytale hours before midnight ?

Russia is doing great. "The Sanction worked". Even the World Bank now states this, putting Russia into the category of High Income countries. Also; it now surpassed GERMANY, now being the 5th biggest export country in the world. Germany and Japan come after.


EU Parliament

is just a clown show without any power (!) - a bunch of extremely overpaid clowns taxpayers have to cough up with. (Rewards most of them get after having created devastation in their national countries). The EU Parliament cannot create laws.

It can only suggest laws to the EU Commission. EU Commission politicians can at best demand answers from EU Commissionaires. That's all.

I mean, how ridiculous isn't that ?!


Welcome to the west, bitch.
Fin de siècle

The unelected EU Commission on the other hand can create laws - and it does - in which the people - have nothing to say about what so ever. Which in my eyes makes the EU in effect a totalitarian entity. Not much is left from the "idealism" and "Grande Ideas" on which the EU originally was supposed to be based on. Once they had the power - the EU made and became something very different, with no resemblance other than introducing totalitarian features step by step.

You are the sheep, the Goyim, the gentiles - and you get to pay for your own destruction. And boy, are we into that, as if running to the slaughter houses, with cheers and stupidity. It is almost "funny" if it wouldn't be so incredibly tragic and sad.

That is the dark essence of where things are heading, planned for decades behind the scenes. (Sometimes I wonder if this isn't an old story for thousands of years ?) The players on the stage are puppets, delivering the orders and interests via the hidden hands. Everything else is "bread and games" for the "People of Rome".

Pawns in an extreme cynical chess game, with humanity at stake. The Corona Plandemic showed this more clearly than ever before in history - where things are wished and pushed to be heading. Governments, Authorities, Media and Medicine as well Military - are now so corrupted that they created a massive shield, in which barely any true open information can get though - separating people.

Which is the meaning after all; to separate & divide the people


Democracy ?

My ass it is. Nothing could be further from the truth. And God knows why people can't see what is happening. I mean we now officially support Real Nazi's groups (Ukraine) - and call it defending democracy. How is this even remotely possible in one and the same sentence - while the killing of hundred thousands continue unabated. An unnecessary war no true heart ever could or would want to support.

And yet, we do.

While anyone who comes with criticism are called Nazi and Extremists, Right winger and god knows what else. But the real Nazi's are hailed into the sky, into the lime light of a colossal clown stage.


And we often wondered how and why World War I as well World War II could be kicked off... How could people give into it ?

Look at 2020+


"They gave you their psychopathic mindset".

A World War in Europe, is now the latest thing, which makes the psychopaths crazy wet. Some people get a special kick out of climbing difficult mountains in order to feel "alive". Others get a kick out of war, death and destruction.

It can't get any more insane then that.


We are also supposed to fight a war with China

according to the US RAND cooperation - by 2029. (You pay for that, too) Let alone that most of what we use today, comes from China, including all the "Green stuff", that is so good for our environment - based on bullshit, an even more excessive destruction and resources, but certainly nothing of it is green or Eco.

So, there is just that. Then on top exchanging bombs, seem "such a great idea" to be in a war with China, yes ? As i said; "you that pay too". I wonder what's left after 1 or 2 world wars.

Funny, that it is now considered a sin to talk about peace and negotiations. Imagine that. The political establishment, totally goes into a frenzy, when a member or somebody mentions peace. It is Orwellian to say the least.

"In order to secure peace, we have to fight a war".

But hey, once again history can be re-written, after millions or even billion are dead - unable to tell how it really was or what really happened. So, the establishment can create a new history, with new born people, educating them "accordingly" - where the artificial created and changed past becomes the new "truth".

The sheep follow. Convenient. But for whom.
Who really benefits from this ?

"Je suis l’Empire à la fin de la décadence"
("I am the empire at the end of the great agony")


128 / 2024