I've been initiating quite a lot of changes into our home, both bathroom but even more so in both living room as well better order in the bedroom (which is our photo darkroom).
The negative archive i moved into the bedroom, and replaced the spot in the living room with a thinner book shelf - like you can see above. This allows the photo background to be rolled down without any interference of a shelf behind. The negative archive shelf/closet was a bit too deep, and would interact with the photo paper background bulging it.
So, that is fixed now.
Bedroom is a photo darkroom !
Overall, the bedroom / darkroom is now far more cleaned up from the numerous bags, boxes and all kind of other stuff. The next step is to bring even more order, so that the darkroom really can be used as a darkroom without anything interfering on the big table (where two large enlargers are standing; one for 6x7 negatives, and the other for the big 4x5" negatives. That enlarger is something like 50-60 kg heavy - and really huge.
Bedroom / Photo Darkroom
Most likely I will invest into the new VALOI 120 by the end of this year. That is a "digital duplicator for film negatives" made in Finland - which is still in the prototype phase. It is a device, where you can make digital copies from 120-rollfilm up to 6x9 cm. It works similar to the outspoken awesome VALOI 35 (which I wrote about it in Jan 2024 here in my Diary) - but that one is only aimed for 35mm film negatives. Works absolutely fantastic. I've never ever been so effective in digitizing thousands of negatives.
VALOI 120 - raw prototype Nr 3
The device frees up the task of creating digital copes from large negatives - independent from a darkroom and surrounding light situation.
You can make digital copies even if it is light in the room. And the same goes for the upcoming VALOI 120. Then i don't need to use my darkroom anymore to make digital copies from my 6x7 and 6x6 negatives there. Which make the darkroom free to become what it originally was aimed for:
To develop real print on photographic paper !!
Evaluation in autumn/winter
Naturally I have to evaluate the upcoming VALOI 120 first. Because the way I can make digital images from large negative in my darkroom, is already a very effective way, and gives me highest quality. The question is how much better the VALOI 120 will be in handling of negatives. Apparently they aim at a final price around 500 €. So, let's just see how the project develops.
As I said, the VALOI 35 was worth absolutely every penny. Naturally the VALOI will be MUCH LARGER. That is the nature of larger negatives, you know. However, I love the idea, to be able to work with a good VALOI 120 in the living room at night, without having to disturb Sal while he is sleeping. Things do make sounds, and I simply don't feel comfortable with doing so, when somebody sleeps in the same room. Even if Sal is actually very noise tolerate... It is me, who feel uncomfortable working in the darkroom, while he is sleeping.
The very slow, gradual changes over time
It all feels like gradually tasks over time, very slowly to re-aquire my spaces to what they originally were meant and "designed" for; meaning - for photography. Only now with the difference, that it pleases the eye. Since Sal and I live together in our home - i pay much more attention to that things are not just practical from my egoistic perspective, but also feels comfortable for him, as well for us as a couple. The "living" atmosphere.
It all took time to develop you know. Earlier I didn't pay so much attention to beauty. It was more important that things just work practically for my "work" as a photographer, and darkroom enthusiast.
Now things start to develop again, but being both nice to look as well to live in/with, yet at the same also practical for real photographic work when you want to start a project; such as darkroom work, as well photo work in the "studio" (in our living room).
Better overall order with closets with plenty of room for smaller things