High Season Summer has most likely ended here in Stockholm, especially outside of the city, where things are colder compared to the city center. The max temperature graduyally dipping, and the nights have already gotten a notch colder..
You can see the (still weak) downward trend in the chart below. It should be noted that Swedish SMHI defines "Summer" differently. I was mainly pointing to "High Seasons Summer" - you know, the warmest days and nights, are likely over. But it is still summer.
When does Autumn start ?
SMHI writes that autumn starts when you have 5 days with an average daily temperature (5x24hrs) dipping below 10°C 5 days in a row - then autumn starts by the Swedish Meteorological definition. We are certainly not there yet. In average this happens around the last week in September here in Stockholm. A bit sooner in the outer suburbs like Tullinge, where the MIN temperatures dip a LOT.
The issue with city "warm air bubbles"
- screwing with temperature statistics
A week ago, the difference between Tullinge MINIMUM and Stockholm City MIN were almost 9 °C; when Tullinge reported a temperature of 4.9°C - while it didn't go below 13.5°C in Stockholm City. That is quite a difference - screwing around with the statistics. I consider Tullinge to be a representation of temperatures, unaffected by the artificial warm air bubble of the city, by showing normal, natural temperatures.
Global warming - you have in the City core. Outside of it ? Barely any to speak of. Tullinge station also shows that the temperatures already early dip sometimes towards sensitive lower temperatures. We never notice that inside the city, because - - it is artificially higher located than it would otherwise.
Days with temperatures above 20°C are still possible, and very likely to occur. Perhaps, we may get one day with temperatures up to 26°C in a couple of days. (Friday, 30 Aug). However after that date onwards - the temperatures will likely go down in a more pronounced way, it seems. With night temperatures still above 10°C.
Our Drama Queen prediction calculation center
doen't seem to agree, in this evening "18E" prognosis, calling for a rather warm start for September 2024. as shown below:
Which is all fine and dandy
IF you could trust them. So, that's the question.
Nevertheless - the upcoming days appear to be in agreement, showing a warming period, with a peak on Friday, with 26°C in Stockholm, and then some rain when a stronger coldfront passes. After that some days with chillier weather - with a tendency for a gradual warming period. And here i should stop writing, because we are talking about day 7 and onwards - which is notoriously unpredictable. In the GFS version this is calculated that rather stable and warmer takes place, with temperatures between 20-25°C.
Well, we shall see. I really don't mind a warm period in the beginning of September ! |