Winter has definitely made an impact here in Stockholm, and temperatures are widely falling more and more. Especially in the outskirts - soon down to almost -20°C. While in the city it is hovering above -10°C
Yes, there is now on the ground - albeit not that much - yet enough to cover the entire landscape and cityscape.
It also appears that the cold will continue in Stockholm and its outer suburbs with very low temperatures. Not that i would call that unusual - because this often happens anytime artic air flown down over Scandinavia, and with clear skies at night, you simply get very low temperatures. That is Scandinavian winter. It always is.
And when clouds emerge, temperature rise.
Pearls on a String over Scandinavia
When one after the next cyclone races across our lands, like pearls on a string - you get very mild weather with "unusual" high temperatures. Also that you can spot in the old archives of Stockholm's long observations all the way back to 1756. There have been extremely mild winters even back then. And extreme cold winters.
Naturally, the more clouds are generated, the milder our climate becomes. It is still Water vapor which stands for the majority of the general modulation of warm and cold.
Understanding CO2

The CO2 has nothing to do with it - simply because 4x CO2 molecules out of 10000 have no impact on a large scale. Also there is a saturation effect, in which CO2 simply can't warm anything more up. So, the warming effect is very small to begin with, and then if more CO2 is in the atmosphere, it doesn't get warmer because of that. The energetic power isn't enough for 4 molecules per volume to have such "magic" properties like the false, propaganda "science" wants you to believe.
Gosh. Just use common sense.
What CO2 does, is to provide the necessary and absolutely needed fuel for almost all plant life on earth. The more CO2, the more plants, the more food. The ideal level in the atmosphere would be 800 to 1200 ppm. One ppm is a millionth part, just saying.
If you start to reduce CO2 . if that were even possible I mean - then we would be in major trouble (extinction event) - because historically we are on an already very low level seen from the 400 Million years. If you would have the power to actually reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere - you would starve all plant life to death.
CO2 harmful for climate ? Don't think so. Go and study something as great as the Photosynthesis - which we used to learn at school, you know. In order to understand that CO2 is absolutely needed.
CO2 is vital to all life on earth.
Basta !
Ego über alles

What is done now in the name of CO2, is the biggest tax vultur-ism from poor to rich, we ever have seen in human history. (As already happened with the Corona scam transferring the largest amount of wealth in history) The Climate Scam wants to take it even further. (Practically into Totalitarism) It is a criminal scam, so that you own nothing - and i doubt you will ever be happy. Just saying.
Edward Bernaise would love this.
While the Elites laugh their asses off, because for them, humanity is just cattle. The majority of You and I or "we", are helping them to achieve the goals.
Inflexible, never listening really, and being in a cognitive dissonance bubble, while your ego to 120% convinces you, that you are in the right, and others are wrong. it is the classic style of propaganda and mass psychology, according Edward Bernays "bible" for the upper class, how to influence and steer the masses.
Invest into Ego über alles, kind of style. They gonna eat it. And we are eating it.
Until the time when it all stops - as we look through the lies and deceptions. When we see the real nature of the elite, like pigs standing without clothes and chic outfits; just some really ugly humans, who always served themselves. As it always happens, when one feeds the ego, and it grows too fat.
Sure, the über upper classes, the entitled ones, always think, believe and are deeply convinced that they create reality, giving it to us, and we run after "studying it". Over and over again without ever catching up.
Clearly some important aspects of the Universe true reality, seem having been forgotten in all of those "reality plans" for humanity. Things just don't always work out the way they thought it would turn out.
But an entitled ego - the Serve to Self aspect that rules part of people among humanity - does not really allow to admit that. So, despite all the "endless" power, wealth and influence - they have a tendency to "wishful thinking" in their tenacity to achieve results. And with it, they're are already off the path.
Things just don't always go their way.
The funny thing is...
Even the top elites, the factions, the secret services as their hidden master societies... they too are all low on a total scale of power. Things are way more complicated in terms of 3D earthy views, once you start to expand your sight traversing beyond the boundaries. So, what we perceive as "Über Elite classes", is in essence viewed to be the lowest class on a higher level beyond what your eyes perceive, where very different rules apply...
As i said; ego über alles.
Like glitter sprayed into the eyes. Things are often very, very different than what the (3D) human mind can grasp. (i am not entitled to know more about that - because I don't. It is more a bunch of hints along the road of life, that there is endlessly more to our world and perceptions, than what we can understand with our current incarnated 3D earthy mind). I guess everything in its time. Lessons are to be learned for us as solds, in all kinds of shapes and forms, in good and in bad - in order to "graduate" in the universe, or whatever one wants to call the "Everything there is". |