are still in their infancy. So far, I have only use one MAIN flash, plus another one acting for the colored background light. That's it. (Normally I use more flashlights).
The background reflector was exchanged from the snoot into a broader 50 degree reflector with red gel. while using a narrower lens; 150 mm instead of 105mm. For unknown reasons, i managed to hit the the focus this time in almost every portrait attempt.
Ultimately, doing all these tests is about for me to experiment with lighting and settings. By the time i feel better about it all - i can use it more open and determent with people standing as model for me - without fiddling like a blind man.
The issue of retouching ?
I do occasionally use "retouch" photos, but in these sharp images, I do that very, very gentle - and give them a lot of time, working with fine nuances. Little specks from skin, i take away (dandruff and similar). Occasionally also some hair streaks "bailing out of line".
When it is about myself, I noticed that i have hanging skin over and around my eyes - which dependent on the lightning, can at times look ridiculous. Kind of funny, too. Sort of... caricature way at times 
But that's OK.
It is part of the deal in this life.
I usually weaken the skin contrast around my/others eyes in order to look more natural, so it doesn't stand out too much - but am careful so that the typical character of a person doesn't change. After all, the wrinkles and lines are part of the face we are familiar with.
In certain light angles however, you can really tell that age has made it paces - especially around my neck and around the eyes. It looks sometimes almost funny in a almost...

Huston, we found new earthquake faults on the ocean floor...
More difficult
with self portraits and tele-lenses, is to get yourself into the right position in the frame. It is a trial and error work. No, i don't use any app on the iPhone connected to the Fujifilm GFX, in order to "frame myself into position".
I find that kind of photo work highly distracting. I tried this a couple of times with the Olympus EM1X - and yeah, it was kind of cool. But extremely distracting. Of course it was easier to do the framing. But somehow it took away the experimental and "trial and error" kind of way.
I do love the unexpected. Sometimes those errors can open up new doors. But when you control every little aspect - it sort of deadens things. It all reminded me of "hanging on" with TicToc swipe movies. You never focus, you never get to the point - you just keep hanging on.
For absolutely nothing.
No thanks.
What I would like to accomplish

are the type of women portraits, with lights like below. Queen Rania of Jordan (who has a resemblance from Julia Roberts), and Cate Blanchette as an example. It is a sort of old style type of classic portrait.
Funny - since Queen Rania has a resemblance with Julia Roberts - but so do have Sal's daughters as well, especially Carla, but also Paola. They would fit perfectly in the type of portait.
Incredibly beautiful

and elegant women portraits. Maybe somebody would say - ah, that's simply lightning styles. But those are styles that are what makes the eyes look twice. The classic style which never goes totally out of style in a Black & White portrait - even if we don't really see such portrait very often.
Simply Timeless !

Queen Raina, 2006

Cate Banchette