Forgotten dust particles

I have forgotten how TEDIOUS it is to deal with scanning negatives. There is a lot involved, even if the "scanning" with a camera itself, goes quickly. But it is everything else that is rather... well, tedious. especially taking away all the dust. Mama mia, so much particles there are ! In order to make a photo fit for my Diary, it requires quite some time to get it all... gone. Presentable, so to speak.

I do feel that i have a lot more dust particles attached to my negatives, when i scan with the new VALOI 120 device. It was easier for me with my old darkroom style (with a camera mounted on an enlarger tripod, and using the enlarger negative holders). Worked every time - and dust wasn't as excessive. Sometimes i wonder if the VALOI somehow attracts more dust than necessary ? I don't know.

Dealing with the VALOI 120 is a bit slower. And a bit fiddly at times.


As the 90s moved toward an end...

My photography towards the end of the 90s, slowed down. I am not sure what exactly it was. The heart matters with Johannes; the back and forth, and never knowing. But also the mega stress from work, as i started to educate myself and work as a subway / metro driver after 5 years of unemployment. The schedules took immediately away a lot of time, nerve and passion. It kind of killed my passion for analog photography over time... Plus digital was in the coming - albeit in 1998, it wasn't anything near to be useful, or economical. But there was a strong pull and curiosity. Plus all the money that went for computer... Pretty stressful when I think about it. All the pulls of "new technology" at the same time, often very expensive for every "new" fart. Semi-digital stuff that one could do in an analog way, way better, way cheaper, and with way better quality.

It isn't until today I would say; yes digital photography is generally better, "easier", more affordable, and even printing combines highest quality with very good economy these days. Albeit i am still a skeptical when it comes to real black & white prints. Those are - i think better from the darkroom. A printer like ET-8550 doesn't really get it right. There is something missing in the tonality - the translation of gray tones.


Unfocused photography

Going back the the end of the 90s - yes - my photography got more fractioned, a bit more troubled - and time was suddenly a rare thing. Difficult to get that passion and power up to a level, where I would do all the things i had done earlier during my employment. I am very happy that i dared to be unemployed 5 years - even if it was very difficult economically - I did get 5 years of good, honest photography, and put a lot of work in it. I also see that in the quality of the photo sessions when i look back at them.

Somehow after 1998, things became... different. I also noticed that there was suddenly a stronger tendency of people wanting to get their pictures taken in a more erotic/sensual way. To be honest, it wasn't really my thing. There was a difference between if i had a sensual project of my own interest - compared to take on a project somebody else wanted.

I guess I never was a real commercial guy. But as long they were friends I didn't mind. But as strangers also came to my place a couple times, I felt there was something else attached to their interests. A sort of exhibitionism, and sometimes also sexual vibes towards me. I just felt, that was nothing for me, really. I didn't feel comfortable with it

I prefered to do my own stuff, in a casual setting with people i was familiar with (in one or the other way), and where playfulness would be the guide of the images that resulted out of that energy. (I still love to work like that).

in 1997-1999 i only took projects some times to time in order to keep myself economically over water. it wasn't much. In fact it was only so much that would allow me to buy new photo material (film, chemicals, paper) needed for further projects and assignments.


Scanning negatives in 2025

I realize every time i start a period of scanning negatives - that i find it emotionally a bit... well, a mix of boredom and memories who kind of want to "kill my task off". Of course my mind travels to so many aspects of the time, in which films where taken. While i am scanning them, my mind travels there. Being a photographer with so many personal images, also means, it is like opening a box, of emotions, thoughts and reflections - as if I am back there While at the same time i am also the guy of 2025.

So, there is clearly always energy flowing - and it becomes... tiresome. I have noticed that every time i scan a larger bunch of negatives, how exhausting it is.

However - I LOVE to have done it ! Once the images start to clear up, get a good contrast, and then all dust is removed - they start to shine in a very high quality. THAT is a delight for me to see afterwards.


Page 20 • Year 2025