I already wrote...

how Memories pop up when scanning old negatives.

Which sounds a bit ironic and "funny". Because now those negatives have started to become old, given that its been been 22 years ago. Just crazy how time (in certain connections) appear to pass by like a rocket.

During summer 2003, I had a thing for toy cameras, such as legendary Holga 120 (6x6) and the Zero 2000 wooden pinhole camera from the US - both making square 6x6 negatives. Albeit sometimes the images overlapped, like in the case with self-portraits of Perry and me.

I think Perry was 31, and I was 37 - taken outside where we lived at Nynäsvägen Highway 300, near the Globe Arena in south Stockholm. it was a warm and sunny day with a max of 23.2°C. Perry just moved into my small apartment of 36 m2.

Those were the days... Daisy.

At first pretty crazy. Then crazy but in quite different ways - i am sure for both of us... individually. Those are the many colors of stories and memories.


Hidden agendas

When Perry and I married in Dec 2003 - things changed in a weird way. Only after 3 weeks, I wondered and asked Perry;

- How come, that our marriage plays out like a couple married for 17 years, who barely have anything to say to each other, basically not showing any interest ?!

It made no sense to me.

It reminded me later of a hidden agenda. When one step was accomplished - the box got ticked off - and your partner move to the next point on the list. With that, the nature of our marriage changed - and its core - whatever that was - got entirely lost.

At the same time these were the first signs which pointed towards hidden aspects ruling our marriage, later playing out erratically and with high strangeness. As in - 'that was not what i was signing up for'.

I was the one who revolted, pulling things into the light - playing the bad guy. (Who brought of things up for discussion, became the "bad" buy. The other one played "silent treatment" game, while ignoring all kind of communication) That didn't bode well. It never does, no matter where you go.

Lies will do not help out, either.

Yeah, those were the days... Daisy

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