We have had this "ever-lasting" gray, dull weather, albeit rather mild - no snow, just the remains of ice here and there - and more or less constant drizzle. Surely it is easier to walk on the roads, for sure it is. Because when there is snow - they don't take it away. They just scrape it away - and the rest often turns into ice. Sometimes with sandy pebbles - sometimes not. You then walk like a old Oma or a duck, in very small steps.

I do that, because I like, I need and I want my legs to remain whole. It is that simple - and I don't get stressed, and do not obey any kind of inner demand of that i have to hurry. That is a moment I often say "Fuck it - I do not obey". My legs are more important than a hurry of any kind.


Night sky cleared up

However, it did actually clear up on my way home from the train depot in Högdalen - and i saw plenty of stars. A bright planet Mars, moving retrograde in Gemini, near the main stars of Pollux and Castor. As well the Summer triangle located in the east already and fully visible with Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus and Altair in Aquila. I told them to hurry, so we are beginning to move into springtime.

In the end of January, you start to get tired of winter. The last 30 days of sunshine, are down at 1 hour per day. Which is more or less normal this time of the year. At best you can get 2 hours per day in average, or down to almost 0 hours.

Lately we have had a lot of clouds, more or less constantly. For me it is a bit difficult to judge, because I sleep during the day. I missed the days when we actually had several hours of sunshine... therefore i was a bit surprised, when i summarized the statistics for January 2025 in Stockholm - to see that several occasions of sunshine took place which I wasn't aware of.

It is the perk of working now pure night shifts.


20.000 IU Vitamin-D3 (+K2)

However, sine I am good in taking Vitamin-D3+K2, with 20.000 IU almost daily (plus other vitamins - but never from "multivitamin pills sold at the corner store - avoid those at all costs, if you love your kidneys). So, what I am trying to say is, that the tremendous lack of sunshine during wintertime in Stockholm, isn't really having the same large (negative) effect on me, like 25 years ago.

I can feel the lack of sunlight - but it doesn't make me totally passive, moody for many days or super tired and sluggish. I only feel it a little bit - notice it - and think - OK, lighter times will be around not so far off. My body is a bit slower, and sometimes i need an hour to wake up - but in all - it isn't nearly as bad as it used to be like 25 years ago. Boy was I moody, tried and often depressed...

The spectrum of vital vitamins really makes a difference. They don't troll away everything that can be felt (like the darkness of long-lasting gray weather).

Overall - it brings me through winter times in Stockholm - with more smiles than not !

Page 34 • Year 2025